4 Factors That Determine Solar Power Performance in Your Home

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My Advice About Green Energy

Welcome to the blog! My name is Ian. I live with my wonderful family in Sydney, Australia. For many years, I believed that green energy was something that old hippies were into. However, having read a detailed news report about climate change, I realised that green energy was something we all needed to consider. I contacted a local solar energy company and asked them for advice. They gave me lots of very useful info and I eventually decided to install two solar panels on my home. I am really pleased to be doing my bit to protect the environment. Enjoy!


4 Factors That Determine Solar Power Performance in Your Home

27 September 2018
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

Many homeowners wonder how effective solar power can be in their premises. Because different parts of the country may have varying exposure to the sun, there are several factors that will determine solar power performance. It's a good idea to determine how much power you can expect from your solar panels once they're installed.

These 4 main factors will directly influence solar power performance in your home.

1. Exposure to the sun

If your home experiences plenty of sun exposure between 8am-5pm, you're likely to enjoy high performance from your solar panels. Sun exposure means that your solar panels can harness more energy from the sun and convert it into electrical power. In addition, light from the sun is strongest between the hours of 8-5, with optimum exposure occurring at around 12-3pm.

Proper exposure enables you to collect more energy and rely less on the main grid. You also won't need to install very many solar panels so as to obtain enough energy.

2. Orientation of your roof

If your roof is facing north-south rather than east-west, your solar power performance will be higher. This is because roofs facing northwards will get the most exposure as the sun rises and continues to move throughout the day.

And because the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, northward facing roofs are perfectly positioned in a perpendicular angle (90 degree angle) to the sun. If your roof faces east-west, you can still compensate for performance by increasing the density of installed solar panels.

3. Your current utility bills

If you currently incur high utility bills, you're highly likely to save once you switch to solar power. For example, some homeowners spend hundreds of dollars in heating and cooling costs, as well as powering their appliances. This heavy reliance on the main grid often causes a significant dent in their wallets.

If this applies to you, then you can save significantly by installing solar panels. The initial investment (when purchasing the panels) will cancel out as you continue to save on utility bills with each passing month. Indeed, you will find that the solar panels are a worthwhile investment.

4. If you own your home

Finally, if your own your home, you can enjoy valuable tax deductions for going solar. There are several tax benefits you can enjoy for investing in sustainable energy options.

These deductions give you a credit for a portion of your investment, making the installation process cheaper.